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Beam Search



Get probability masks and beam widths required for each step of beam search algorithm.


Name Type Description Default

Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.



Name Type Description
steps_mask Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, TOKEN_SIZE]

Probability masks that consists of zeros in the places that correspond to the letters allowed for selection in the column (src[i]) and values equal to minus infinity in all others.

steps_width List[int]

The beam width for each step of the algorithm.

Source code in src/trecover/utils/
def get_steps_params(src: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, List[int]]:
    Get probability masks and beam widths required for each step of beam search algorithm.

    src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, TOKEN_SIZE]
        Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

    steps_mask : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, TOKEN_SIZE]
        Probability masks that consists of zeros in the places that correspond to the letters allowed
        for selection in the column (src[i]) and values equal to minus infinity in all others.
    steps_width : List[int]
        The beam width for each step of the algorithm.


    return (
        torch.full_like(src, fill_value=float('-inf')).masked_fill(src == 1, value=0.0),



Implementation of the beam search algorithm step.


Name Type Description Default
candidates List[Tuple[Tensor[1, STEP_NUMBER, TOKEN_SIZE], float]]

List of candidates from the previous step.

step_mask Tensor[TOKEN_SIZE]

Column's mask that consists of zeros in the places that correspond to the letters allowed for selection in the column and values equal to minus infinity in all others. Required so that only the letters in the column are selected as a candidates.

step_width int

Number of candidates that are contained in the step column.

encoded_src Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]

Columns for keyless reading that were encoded by TRecover encoder.

model TRecover

Trained model for keyless reading.

beam_width int

Number of candidates that can be selected at the current step.

device torch.device

Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.



Name Type Description
step_candidates List[Tuple[Tensor[1, STEP_NUMBER

List of candidates of size "beam_width" for the current step sorted in descending order of their probabilities.


For each chain candidate from the previous step: * Probability distribution is calculated using trained TRecover model to select the next symbol from the current column,taking into account the "step_mask". * The most probable symbols are selected from the calculated probability distribution, the number of which is set by the "step_width" and "beam_width" parameters. * For each selected symbol, a new candidate chain with updated probability is constructed and placed in the "step_candidates" list.

All candidates are sorted in descending order of probabilities and the most probable ones are selected from them, the number of which is set by the "beam_width" parameter.

Source code in src/trecover/utils/
def beam_step(candidates: List[Tuple[Tensor, float]],
              step_mask: Tensor,
              step_width: int,
              encoded_src: Tensor,
              model: TRecover,
              beam_width: int,
              device: torch.device
              ) -> List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]:
    Implementation of the beam search algorithm step.

    candidates : List[Tuple[Tensor[1, STEP_NUMBER, TOKEN_SIZE], float]]
        List of candidates from the previous step.
    step_mask : Tensor[TOKEN_SIZE]
        Column's mask that consists of zeros in the places that correspond to the letters allowed
        for selection in the column and values equal to minus infinity in all others.
        Required so that only the letters in the column are selected as a candidates.
    step_width : int
        Number of candidates that are contained in the step column.
    encoded_src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]
        Columns for keyless reading that were encoded by TRecover encoder.
    model : TRecover
        Trained model for keyless reading.
    beam_width : int
        Number of candidates that can be selected at the current step.
    device : torch.device
        Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.

    step_candidates : List[Tuple[Tensor[1, STEP_NUMBER + 1, TOKEN_SIZE], float]]
        List of candidates of size "beam_width" for the current step
        sorted in descending order of their probabilities.

    For each chain candidate from the previous step:
    *       Probability distribution is calculated using trained TRecover model to
            select the next symbol from the current column,taking into account the "step_mask".
    *       The most probable symbols are selected from the calculated probability distribution,
            the number of which is set by the "step_width" and "beam_width" parameters.
    *       For each selected symbol, a new candidate chain with updated probability
            is constructed and placed in the "step_candidates" list.

    All candidates are sorted in descending order of probabilities and the most probable ones
    are selected from them, the number of which is set by the "beam_width" parameter.


    step_candidates = list()

    for chain, score in candidates:
        prediction = model.predict(chain, encoded_src, tgt_attn_mask=None, tgt_pad_mask=None, src_pad_mask=None)
        probabilities = F.log_softmax(prediction[0, -1], dim=-1) + step_mask

        values, indices = probabilities.topk(k=min(beam_width, step_width))
        for prob, pos in zip(values, indices):
            new_token = torch.zeros(1, 1, model.token_size, device=device)
            new_token[0, 0, pos] = 1

            step_candidates.append(([chain, new_token], dim=1), score + float(prob)))

    return sorted(step_candidates, key=lambda candidate: -candidate[1])[:beam_width]



Get a beam search algorithm loop function, which is implemented for the Celery task.


Name Type Description Default
task celery.Task

Celery task base class.



Name Type Description
inner_loop Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device], List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]]

Beam search algorithm loop function for the Celery task.

Source code in src/trecover/utils/
def celery_task_loop(task: celery.Task
                     ) -> Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device], List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]]:
    Get a beam search algorithm loop function, which is implemented for the Celery task.

    task : celery.Task
        Celery task base class.

    inner_loop : Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device], List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]]
        Beam search algorithm loop function for the Celery task.


    def inner_loop(src: Tensor,
                   encoded_src: Tensor,
                   model: TRecover,
                   width: int,
                   device: torch.device
                   ) -> List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]:
        Beam search algorithm loop implementation for the Celery task.

        src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, TOKEN_SIZE]
            Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.
        encoded_src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]
            Keyless reading columns that were encoded by TRecover encoder.
        model : TRecover
            Trained model for keyless reading.
        width : int
            Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.
        device : torch.device
            Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.

        candidates : List[Tuple[Tensor[1, SEQUENCE_LEN + 1, TOKEN_SIZE], float]]
            List of chains sorted in descending order of probabilities.
            The number of candidates is set by the "width" parameter.

        Probability masks and beam widths values required for each step of the
        beam search algorithm are calculated by the "get_steps_params" function using
        keyless reading columns ("src") that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

        An empty chain (zero token of shape [1, 1, TOKEN_SIZE]) with zero probability
        is used as the first candidate for the algorithm.

        The progress of the Celery task is updated at each step of the algorithm.


        step_masks, step_widths = get_steps_params(src)
        candidates = [(torch.zeros(1, 1, model.token_size, device=device), 0)]

        for i in range(encoded_src.shape[0]):
            candidates = beam_step(candidates, step_masks[i], step_widths[i], encoded_src, model, width, device)
            task.update_state(meta={'progress': i + 1}, state='PREDICT')

        return candidates

    return inner_loop



Get a beam search algorithm loop function, which is implemented for the cli interface.


Name Type Description Default
label str

Label for the cli progress bar.



Name Type Description
inner_loop Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device], List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]]

Beam search algorithm loop function for the cli interface.

Source code in src/trecover/utils/
def cli_interactive_loop(label: str = 'Processing'
                         ) -> Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device], List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]]:
    Get a beam search algorithm loop function, which is implemented for the cli interface.

    label : str
        Label for the cli progress bar.

    inner_loop : Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device], List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]]
        Beam search algorithm loop function for the cli interface.


    def inner_loop(src: Tensor,
                   encoded_src: Tensor,
                   model: TRecover,
                   width: int,
                   device: torch.device
                   ) -> List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]:
        Beam search algorithm loop implementation for the cli interface.

        src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, TOKEN_SIZE]
            Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.
        encoded_src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]
            Keyless reading columns that were encoded by TRecover encoder.
        model : TRecover
            Trained model for keyless reading.
        width : int
            Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.
        device : torch.device
            Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.

        candidates : List[Tuple[Tensor[1, SEQUENCE_LEN + 1, TOKEN_SIZE], float]]
            List of chains sorted in descending order of probabilities.
            The number of candidates is set by the "width" parameter.

        Probability masks and beam widths values required for each step of the
        beam search algorithm are calculated by the "get_steps_params" function using
        keyless reading columns ("src") that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

        An empty chain (zero token of shape [1, 1, TOKEN_SIZE]) with zero probability
        is used as the first candidate for the algorithm.

        At each step of the algorithm, the progress bar of the task
        is updated and displayed in the console.


        step_masks, step_widths = get_steps_params(src)
        candidates = [(torch.zeros(1, 1, model.token_size, device=device), 0)]

        with Progress(
                TextColumn('{task.description}', style='bright_blue'),
                TextColumn('{task.percentage:>3.0f}%', style='bright_blue'),
                TextColumn('Remaining', style='bright_blue'),
                TextColumn('Elapsed', style='bright_blue'),
        ) as progress:
            beam_progress = progress.add_task(label, total=encoded_src.shape[0])

            for i in range(encoded_src.shape[0]):
                candidates = beam_step(candidates, step_masks[i], step_widths[i], encoded_src, model, width, device)
                progress.update(beam_progress, advance=1)

        return candidates

    return inner_loop


dashboard_loop(src, encoded_src, model, width, device)

Beam search algorithm loop implementation for the dashboard interface.


Name Type Description Default

Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

encoded_src Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]

Keyless reading columns that were encoded by TRecover encoder.

model TRecover

Trained model for keyless reading.

width int

Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.

device torch.device

Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.



Name Type Description
candidates List[Tuple[Tensor[1, SEQUENCE_LEN

List of chains sorted in descending order of probabilities. The number of candidates is set by the "width" parameter.


Probability masks and beam widths values required for each step of the beam search algorithm are calculated by the "get_steps_params" function using keyless reading columns ("src") that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

An empty chain (zero token of shape [1, 1, TOKEN_SIZE]) with zero probability is used as the first candidate for the algorithm.

At each step of the algorithm, the progress bar is updated and displayed on the dashboard.

Source code in src/trecover/utils/
def dashboard_loop(src: Tensor,
                   encoded_src: Tensor,
                   model: TRecover,
                   width: int,
                   device: torch.device
                   ) -> List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]:
    Beam search algorithm loop implementation for the dashboard interface.

    src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, TOKEN_SIZE]
        Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.
    encoded_src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]
        Keyless reading columns that were encoded by TRecover encoder.
    model : TRecover
        Trained model for keyless reading.
    width : int
        Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.
    device : torch.device
        Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.

    candidates : List[Tuple[Tensor[1, SEQUENCE_LEN + 1, TOKEN_SIZE], float]]
        List of chains sorted in descending order of probabilities.
        The number of candidates is set by the "width" parameter.

    Probability masks and beam widths values required for each step of the
    beam search algorithm are calculated by the "get_steps_params" function using
    keyless reading columns ("src") that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

    An empty chain (zero token of shape [1, 1, TOKEN_SIZE]) with zero probability
    is used as the first candidate for the algorithm.

    At each step of the algorithm, the progress bar is updated and displayed on the dashboard.


    import streamlit as st

    step_masks, step_widths = get_steps_params(src)
    candidates = [(torch.zeros(1, 1, model.token_size, device=device), 0)]

    progress = st.progress(0)

    for i in range(encoded_src.shape[0]):
        candidates = beam_step(candidates, step_masks[i], step_widths[i], encoded_src, model, width, device)
        progress.progress(i / encoded_src.shape[0])

    return candidates


standard_loop(src, encoded_src, model, width, device)

Base implementation of the beam search algorithm loop.


Name Type Description Default

Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

encoded_src Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]

Keyless reading columns that were encoded by TRecover encoder.

model TRecover

Trained model for keyless reading.

width int

Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.

device torch.device

Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.



Name Type Description
candidates List[Tuple[Tensor[1, SEQUENCE_LEN

List of chains sorted in descending order of probabilities. The number of candidates is set by the "width" parameter.


Probability masks and beam widths values required for each step of the beam search algorithm are calculated by the "get_steps_params" function using keyless reading columns ("src") that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

An empty chain (zero token of shape [1, 1, TOKEN_SIZE]) with zero probability is used as the first candidate for the algorithm.

Source code in src/trecover/utils/
def standard_loop(src: Tensor,
                  encoded_src: Tensor,
                  model: TRecover,
                  width: int,
                  device: torch.device
                  ) -> List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]:
    Base implementation of the beam search algorithm loop.

    src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, TOKEN_SIZE]
        Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.
    encoded_src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]
        Keyless reading columns that were encoded by TRecover encoder.
    model : TRecover
        Trained model for keyless reading.
    width : int
        Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.
    device : torch.device
        Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.

    candidates : List[Tuple[Tensor[1, SEQUENCE_LEN + 1, TOKEN_SIZE], float]]
        List of chains sorted in descending order of probabilities.
        The number of candidates is set by the "width" parameter.

    Probability masks and beam widths values required for each step of the
    beam search algorithm are calculated by the "get_steps_params" function using
    keyless reading columns ("src") that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

    An empty chain (zero token of shape [1, 1, TOKEN_SIZE]) with zero probability
    is used as the first candidate for the algorithm.


    step_masks, step_widths = get_steps_params(src)
    candidates = [(torch.zeros(1, 1, model.token_size, device=device), 0)]

    for i in range(encoded_src.shape[0]):
        candidates = beam_step(candidates, step_masks[i], step_widths[i], encoded_src, model, width, device)

    return candidates
    src, model, width, device, beam_loop=standard_loop

Beam search algorithm implementation.


Name Type Description Default

Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

model TRecover

Trained model for keyless reading.

width int

Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.

device torch.device

Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.

beam_loop Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device],

List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]], default=standard_loop Beam search algorithm loop function.



Name Type Description
candidates List[Tuple[Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN], float]]

List of chains sorted in descending order of probabilities. The number of candidates is set by the "width" parameter.


Initially, the keyless reading columns ("src") are encoded using TRecover encoder, then the encoded columns ("encoded_src") are used at each step of the algorithm.

Source code in src/trecover/utils/
def beam_search(src: Tensor,
                model: TRecover,
                width: int,
                device: torch.device,
                beam_loop: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device],
                                    List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]] = standard_loop
                ) -> List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]:
    Beam search algorithm implementation.

    src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, TOKEN_SIZE]
        Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.
    model : TRecover
        Trained model for keyless reading.
    width : int
        Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.
    device : torch.device
        Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.
    beam_loop : Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device],
                        List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]], default=standard_loop
        Beam search algorithm loop function.

    candidates : List[Tuple[Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN], float]]
        List of chains sorted in descending order of probabilities.
        The number of candidates is set by the "width" parameter.

    Initially, the keyless reading columns ("src") are encoded using TRecover encoder,
    then the encoded columns ("encoded_src") are used at each step of the algorithm.


    encoded_src = model.encode(src.unsqueeze(dim=0), src_pad_mask=None)

    candidates = beam_loop(src, encoded_src, model, width, device)

    return [
        (torch.argmax(chain.squeeze(), dim=-1)[1:], score)  # first token is empty_token
        for chain, score in candidates

async_beam_step async


Asynchronous implementation of the beam search algorithm step.


Name Type Description Default
candidates List[Tuple[Tensor[1, STEP_NUMBER, TOKEN_SIZE], float]]

List of candidates from the previous step.

step_mask Tensor[TOKEN_SIZE]

Column's mask that consists of zeros in the places that correspond to the letters allowed for selection in the column and values equal to minus infinity in all others. Required so that only the letters in the column are selected as a candidates.

step_width int

Number of candidates that are contained in the step column.

encoded_src Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]

Columns for keyless reading that were encoded by TRecover encoder.

model TRecover

Trained model for keyless reading.

beam_width int

Number of candidates that can be selected at the current step.

device torch.device

Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.



Name Type Description
step_candidates List[Tuple[Tensor[1, STEP_NUMBER

List of candidates of size "beam_width" for the current step sorted in descending order of their probabilities.


For each chain candidate from the previous step: * Probability distribution is calculated using trained TRecover model to select the next symbol from the current column,taking into account the "step_mask". * The most probable symbols are selected from the calculated probability distribution, the number of which is set by the "step_width" and "beam_width" parameters. * For each selected symbol, a new candidate chain with updated probability is constructed and placed in the "step_candidates" list.

All candidates are sorted in descending order of probabilities and the most probable ones are selected from them, the number of which is set by the "beam_width" parameter.

Source code in src/trecover/utils/
async def async_beam_step(candidates: List[Tuple[Tensor, float]],
                          step_mask: Tensor,
                          step_width: int,
                          encoded_src: Tensor,
                          model: TRecover,
                          beam_width: int,
                          device: torch.device
                          ) -> List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]:
    Asynchronous implementation of the beam search algorithm step.

    candidates : List[Tuple[Tensor[1, STEP_NUMBER, TOKEN_SIZE], float]]
        List of candidates from the previous step.
    step_mask : Tensor[TOKEN_SIZE]
        Column's mask that consists of zeros in the places that correspond to the letters allowed
        for selection in the column and values equal to minus infinity in all others.
        Required so that only the letters in the column are selected as a candidates.
    step_width : int
        Number of candidates that are contained in the step column.
    encoded_src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]
        Columns for keyless reading that were encoded by TRecover encoder.
    model : TRecover
        Trained model for keyless reading.
    beam_width : int
        Number of candidates that can be selected at the current step.
    device : torch.device
        Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.

    step_candidates : List[Tuple[Tensor[1, STEP_NUMBER + 1, TOKEN_SIZE], float]]
        List of candidates of size "beam_width" for the current step
        sorted in descending order of their probabilities.

    For each chain candidate from the previous step:
    *       Probability distribution is calculated using trained TRecover model to
            select the next symbol from the current column,taking into account the "step_mask".
    *       The most probable symbols are selected from the calculated probability distribution,
            the number of which is set by the "step_width" and "beam_width" parameters.
    *       For each selected symbol, a new candidate chain with updated probability
            is constructed and placed in the "step_candidates" list.

    All candidates are sorted in descending order of probabilities and the most probable ones
    are selected from them, the number of which is set by the "beam_width" parameter.


    async def candidate_step(chain: Tensor, score: float) -> None:
        prediction = model.predict(chain, encoded_src, tgt_attn_mask=None, tgt_pad_mask=None, src_pad_mask=None)
        probabilities = F.log_softmax(prediction[0, -1], dim=-1) + step_mask

        values, indices = probabilities.topk(k=min(beam_width, step_width))
        for prob, pos in zip(values, indices):
            new_token = torch.zeros(1, 1, model.token_size, device=device)
            new_token[0, 0, pos] = 1

            step_candidates.append(([chain, new_token], dim=1), score + float(prob)))

    step_candidates = list()

    for candidate_chain, candidate_score in candidates:
        await candidate_step(candidate_chain, candidate_score)

    return sorted(step_candidates, key=lambda candidate: -candidate[1])[:beam_width]


api_interactive_loop(queue, delimiter='')

Get an asynchronous beam search algorithm loop function, which is implemented for the API interface.


Name Type Description Default
queue asyncio.Queue

Asynchronous queue for storing intermediate results.

delimiter str

Delimiter for columns visualization.



Name Type Description
async_inner_loop Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device], Awaitable]

Asynchronous beam search algorithm loop function for the API interface.

Source code in src/trecover/utils/
def api_interactive_loop(queue: asyncio.Queue,
                         delimiter: str = ''
                         ) -> Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device], Awaitable]:
    Get an asynchronous beam search algorithm loop function, which is implemented for the API interface.

    queue : asyncio.Queue
        Asynchronous queue for storing intermediate results.
    delimiter: str, default=''
        Delimiter for columns visualization.

    async_inner_loop : Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device], Awaitable]
        Asynchronous beam search algorithm loop function for the API interface.


    async def async_inner_loop(src: Tensor,
                               encoded_src: Tensor,
                               model: TRecover,
                               width: int,
                               device: torch.device
                               ) -> None:
        Asynchronous beam search algorithm loop implementation for the API interface.

        src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, TOKEN_SIZE]
            Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.
        encoded_src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]
            Keyless reading columns that were encoded by TRecover encoder.
        model : TRecover
            Trained model for keyless reading.
        width : int
            Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.
        device : torch.device
            Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.

        Probability masks and beam widths values required for each step of the
        beam search algorithm are calculated by the "get_steps_params" function using
        keyless reading columns ("src") that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

        An empty chain (zero token of shape [1, 1, TOKEN_SIZE]) with zero probability
        is used as the first candidate for the algorithm.

        At each step of the algorithm, the intermediate results are placed in an asynchronous queue.

        At the end of the algorithm, a None value is placed in the asynchronous queue,
        which is an indicator of its completion.


        step_masks, step_widths = get_steps_params(src)
        candidates = [(torch.zeros(1, 1, model.token_size, device=device), 0)]

        for i in range(encoded_src.shape[0]):
            candidates = await async_beam_step(candidates, step_masks[i], step_widths[i],
                                               encoded_src, model, width, device)

            intermediate_result = [
                (tensor_to_target(torch.argmax(chain.squeeze(), dim=-1)[1:]), score)
                for chain, score in candidates

            await queue.put([(visualize_target(chain, delimiter), score) for chain, score in intermediate_result])

        await queue.put(None)

    return async_inner_loop

standard_async_loop async

standard_async_loop(src, encoded_src, model, width, device)

Base asynchronous implementation of the beam search algorithm loop.


Name Type Description Default

Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

encoded_src Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]

Keyless reading columns that were encoded by TRecover encoder.

model TRecover

Trained model for keyless reading.

width int

Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.

device torch.device

Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.



Name Type Description
candidates List[Tuple[Tensor[1, SEQUENCE_LEN

List of chains sorted in descending order of probabilities. The number of candidates is set by the "width" parameter.


Probability masks and beam widths values required for each step of the beam search algorithm are calculated by the "get_steps_params" function using keyless reading columns ("src") that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

An empty chain (zero token of shape [1, 1, TOKEN_SIZE]) with zero probability is used as the first candidate for the algorithm.

Source code in src/trecover/utils/
async def standard_async_loop(src: Tensor,
                              encoded_src: Tensor,
                              model: TRecover,
                              width: int,
                              device: torch.device
                              ) -> List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]:
    Base asynchronous implementation of the beam search algorithm loop.

    src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, TOKEN_SIZE]
        Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.
    encoded_src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, 1, D_MODEL]
        Keyless reading columns that were encoded by TRecover encoder.
    model : TRecover
        Trained model for keyless reading.
    width : int
        Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.
    device : torch.device
        Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.

    candidates : List[Tuple[Tensor[1, SEQUENCE_LEN + 1, TOKEN_SIZE], float]]
        List of chains sorted in descending order of probabilities.
        The number of candidates is set by the "width" parameter.

    Probability masks and beam widths values required for each step of the
    beam search algorithm are calculated by the "get_steps_params" function using
    keyless reading columns ("src") that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

    An empty chain (zero token of shape [1, 1, TOKEN_SIZE]) with zero probability
    is used as the first candidate for the algorithm.


    step_masks, step_widths = get_steps_params(src)
    candidates = [(torch.zeros(1, 1, model.token_size, device=device), 0)]

    for i in range(encoded_src.shape[0]):
        candidates = await async_beam_step(candidates, step_masks[i], step_widths[i],
                                           encoded_src, model, width, device)

    return candidates
    src, model, width, device, beam_loop=standard_async_loop

Asynchronous beam search algorithm implementation.


Name Type Description Default

Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.

model TRecover

Trained model for keyless reading.

width int

Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.

device torch.device

Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.

beam_loop Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device],

List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]], default=standard_loop Beam search algorithm loop function.



Name Type Description
candidates Optional[List[Tuple[Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN], float]]]

List of chains sorted in descending order of probabilities. The number of candidates is set by the "width" parameter. Returns None if "api_interactive_loop" is used as a beam search loop function.


Initially, the keyless reading columns ("src") are encoded using TRecover encoder, then the encoded columns ("encoded_src") are used at each step of the asynchronous algorithm.

Source code in src/trecover/utils/
async def async_beam_search(src: Tensor,
                            model: TRecover,
                            width: int,
                            device: torch.device,
                            beam_loop: Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device],
                                                Awaitable[Optional[List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]]]] = standard_async_loop
                            ) -> Optional[List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]]:
    Asynchronous beam search algorithm implementation.

    src : Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN, TOKEN_SIZE]
        Keyless reading columns that are passed to the TRecover encoder.
    model : TRecover
        Trained model for keyless reading.
    width : int
        Number of candidates that can be selected at each step.
    device : torch.device
        Device on which to allocate the candidate chains.
    beam_loop : Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, TRecover, int, torch.device],
                        List[Tuple[Tensor, float]]], default=standard_loop
        Beam search algorithm loop function.

    candidates : Optional[List[Tuple[Tensor[SEQUENCE_LEN], float]]]
        List of chains sorted in descending order of probabilities.
        The number of candidates is set by the "width" parameter.
        Returns None if "api_interactive_loop" is used as a beam search loop function.

    Initially, the keyless reading columns ("src") are encoded using TRecover encoder,
    then the encoded columns ("encoded_src") are used at each step of the asynchronous algorithm.


    encoded_src = model.encode(src.unsqueeze(dim=0), src_pad_mask=None)

    candidates = await beam_loop(src, encoded_src, model, width, device)

    return [(torch.argmax(chain.squeeze(), dim=-1)[1:], score) for chain, score in candidates] if candidates else None